Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mindset - Realize the way you and all others think

Mindset means way of thinking about yourself, your work, others, ideas, etc., For example, if someone wants to be thorough and perfect in whatever work he/she does - he/she is a perfectionist thinker.  If someone is averse to details and only listens to the bottom line of the story of something - he/she is a big picture thinker.

Mindset determines one's way of doing things. All people, according to their natural temperament, pick up certain kinds of mindset from the very beginning of life - childhood. But mindset grows with one's life experiences, it can also change over the course of the time.

Mindset can generally be classified into two types - fixed mindset and growth mindset. If someone thinks that the way something should be done is none other than the one they think to be right or validated by some authority. For example, an orthodox person thinks that marriage is prefixed by God and one should not marry outside his/her religion because difference of opinion can cause problems in the relationship - such a thinking is fixed mind thinking. If someone recognizes that there are multiple easy ways to earn money and live happily not necessarily the full time work schedules. Such a open acceptance of the truths, possibilities, facts is growth mind thinking.

Mindset consists of your beliefs, attitudes, values, opinions gained from your own experiences and opinionated from others. Fixed mindset is limited way of thinking, often works well with rigid environments only. But Growth mindset is conducive in any kind of environment and creates room for creativity.

Some Fixed Mind Thinking Examples in our daily life:
1. In many colleges and deemed universities in Tamilnadu, conversations between girls and boys is banned inside the campus. Reason is so obvious to mention.
2. In India, many people reject marriage proposals because of mismatch in Horoscope credentials. 
3. Many people avoid doing own business irrespective of the exploitative work environment, they are willing to work for others.
4 . Many parents do not  accept inter-caste love marriages because of prejudices.

Identify on your own all other fixed mind thinking in yourself and others. Progressively, to realize and eliminate fixed thinking would lead our lives in constructive path. I invite you to live a constructive and happy life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Its very nice and useful concept. Could u elaborate with more examples?


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